Berks Gaming Club members attempt to hone their skills as we all make our way with this learning curve of 6th Edition rules for Warhammer 40,000.
Our friends who run the
Mechanicon Grand Tournament have joined forces with
The to combine into one weekend of events and activities. Even the Berks Gaming club is hosting 3 separate Warhammer 40K Kill-Team Mini-tournaments that weekend.
The Warstore Weekend.
Some of our club members are going for the main feature: The Mechanicon Grand Tournament. This is a "throw back" style Warhammer 40K Grand Tournament that features ALL aspects of the hobby. This is the 4th year for the Mechanicon run by Tony Spino and the crew from the Gaming Garage L.L.C.
These guys sure put on a great show. The event itself lends to a more relaxed yet competetive atmosphere with gamers who apprecaite all aspects of the hobby. It isn't all just about winning and losing, but includes Sportsmanship and fair-play, painting and appearance and the modeling aspect of the hobby. For true game-enthusiasts, this is THE event to be at.
For those of us who attended the GT last year and plan to again, we appreciate having fun, yet competetive armies that are fully painted and look well. Nothing is more satisfying than playing a fun and solid game against someone else who apprecaites the hobby as much as you do. Fully painted armies, nicely made battlefields with lots of wonderful quality terrain to play over, this IS why some of us got involved in this hobby.
The atmosphere is also laid back and friendly. We have built up friendships with many gamers from all over the USA at events such as this. Berks players are always looking to make our impressions on and off the battlefield and last year, two of us took Best Sportsman and 2nd Best Sportsman in the Grand Tournament.
There are also many other events to look into for the weekend that are included with your weekend pass, such as the Warhammer
40K Kill Team events, Battlefleet Gothic, Heavy Gear by
Dream Pod 9, Flames of War, Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Warmachine and much more.
With the growth of Heavy Gear in the Berks club, some of our members plan on attending and playing in the Heavy Gear tournaments as well, run by the
Mid-Atlantic Pod-Squad, who always put on fun events.
If you're looking for something to do the weekend of October 26-28th, we strongly recommend attending the Mechanicon Grand Tournament. Even if you can not play in the 2-day main event, there are plenty of 1-day events to take advantage of, meet fellow gamers and of course, the
Warstore will have products available for purchase.