I. Name
1. The official name of this club is Berks Gaming Club.
II. Officers
1. Officers shall serve without pay and shall consist of the following four (4) members:
a. President
b. Vice-President
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
2. All Officers shall be an Elite Member in good standing with the Club for a minimum of one year.
3. Officers shall serve a term of one year.
4. General elections for each Officer position will be conducted yearly during the first week of October.
a. The nature and logistics of the Officer elections will be decided upon by a special committee
b. All Club Members in good standing with the Club are eligible to vote in the Officer elections.
5. If an Officer position becomes vacant prior to the yearly Officer elections, the President (or Vice President if the President’s position becomes vacant) shall appoint a replacement that will assume the duties of the office until the next Officer election.
6. The responsibilities of the President are the following:
a. Shall preside at all official Club meetings
b. Appoint committee chairpersons
c. Be the spokesperson for the Club
d. Perform other duties associated with the office
7. The responsibilities of the Vice-President are the following:
a. Assume the duties of the President in case of the President’s absence
8. The responsibilities of the Secretary are the following:
a. Take the minutes for official Club meetings or ensure someone is assigned to perform this function
b. Ensure official Club meeting minutes are distributed to all Club members
c. Maintain on file all official Club documentation, minutes, and records
9. The responsibilities of the Treasurer are the following:
a. Keep record of the organization’s budget
b. Prepare financial reports as needed
III. Elite Members
1. Elite Members shall
a. be Club Members in good standing
b. abide by the Code of Conduct during all Club functions
c. enforce the Code of Conduct through positive discussion and learning opportunities
IV. Club Members
1. Club Members will shall
a. abide by the Code of Conduct during all Club functions
V. The Board
1. The Board shall consist of all Officers and Elite Members.
VI. Committees
1. Committees will be established to perform specific tasks or run events.
2. Any Committee that is formed will have a single Chairperson.
3. The Committee Chairperson shall
a. be appointed by the President
b. be responsible for the success of the event or task
c. be responsible for recruiting committee members to assist if need be
d. be responsible for submitting all plans and budget requests to the board during the planning phase of the event.
e. get the approval of a majority of the Board members prior to scheduling an official Club event or spending or being reimbursed for spending any club funds
i. The Board, through a majority vote, shall approve a set amount of funds for an event during the planning stages of the event
VII. Meetings
1. Regular meetings shall be held once a month.
2. Special meetings may be held at any time when called for by the President or a majority of Board members.
3. Meetings can be conducted in person, online, via conference call, or any other method which allows the collaboration of those who are attending the meeting.
4. Agendas shall be provided at least three (3) days prior to the meeting.
5. All Club members may attend a meeting.
VII. Voting
1. Voting on any issue shall be done during the meetings
a. A quorum shall consist of
i. At least half of the Board members
ii. The President or Vice-President
iii. At least two Officers
b. A quorum is required to be in attendance for voting purposes
c. In absence of a quorum, no formal action shall be taken except to adjourn the meeting to a subsequent date
d. Passage of a motion requires a simple majority of the quorum
2. All Officers and Board members are eligible to vote on any motion.
IX. Conflicts of Interest
1. Any Officer or Board member who has a financial, personal, or official interest in, or conflict (or appearance of conflict) with any matter pending before the Officers or Board, of such nature that it prevents or may prevent that member from acting on the matter in an impartial manner, will offer to the Officers and Board to voluntarily excuse him/herself and will vacate his seat and refrain from discussion and voting on said item.
X. Fiscal Policies
1. The fiscal year of the Board shall be October 1st to September 30th of the next year.
XI. Amendments
1. These Bylaws may be amended by a two-third vote of all Club Board members present at a meeting provided there are enough Board members to ensure a quorum exists.
2. Proposed amendments must be provided to every board member fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting when the proposed change will be voted upon.